frequently asked questions
what you need to know about BAF
We love keeping our artists in the know. So we've created an easy way for you to get answers to your frequently asked questions. If you have more complex questions email us at

Frequently Asked Questions
Get your questions answered quickly here.

Are we a part of or affiliated with the Arts Council of Fayetteville?
No, Black Artist Forward is not affiliated with the Arts Council of Fayetteville. While we will always share opportunities from the ACoF, and love the work they are doing, we are two separate entitles.
Please note: If you ever have questions about Black Artist Forward always direct them to us, as ACoF will not be able to help.

Is Black Artist Forward a Gallery or Exhibit Space?
No, Black Artist Forward does not currently have a facility. We do work with local businesses to showcase work in their spaces. Those businesses will not be able to provide you any background, technical, financial, or other information on the exhibit. They aren't privy to the behind-the-scenes information so they wouldn't be able to effectively help you. BAF is not liable for misinformation received from the businesses and we advise that if you have any questions about these exhibits, please contact us directly. This way we can provide the best service possible. Art calls will be listed on our Opportunities page as well as promoted on our socials and in our eNewsletter.

I'm a politician or running for office, can I partner with BAF?
Under the Internal Revenue Code, all section 501(c)(3) organizations are absolutely prohibited from directly or indirectly participating in, or intervening in, any political campaign on behalf of (or in opposition to) any candidate for elective public office. Which means no, in short. This means all political offices even small local ones.
We can't:
Have a politician set up a table at our event
Promote any politician
Give money to any political campaign
Receive political campaign money
Show favor to any candidate
We can: (in a non-partisan way)
Remind people to register to vote
Host a public candidate forum
Politicians or people running for office are welcome to:
Sit with us to talk about advocating for black artists.
Donate as an individual
Promote BAF and what we do

Does BAF "Sponsor" or "Donate" to events or artists?
Black Artist Forward loves putting funds in the hands of black artists, but we don't give out funds through sponsorships or donations. Instead we provide opportunities through our Funds in Action Initiative where artists and black owned/lead arts organizations can apply to recieve an Honorarium Award. Check our Opportunities page for any upcoming dates and deadlines.

How can I be a part of BAF?
BAF is excited to welcome volunteers year-round and annually in July, we begin taking applications for vacant seats on our board. Board seat vacancies are announced on our socials, eNewsletter, and website.
Board member applicants are required to complete a certain number of volunteer hours to be considered.
To register to volunteer click here.

I'm creating an event, can BAF partner with me?
Partnerships are relationships that BAF and the other party deem to be mutually beneficial. There is no sponsorship or donation from either party.
You can reach out to us at with your proposal.

Does BAF buy or appraise art?
No, Black Artist Forward does not currently buy and does not employ an art appraiser at this time.

What does BAF do with the donations they recieve?
We do multiple things with those donations. They include (but are not limited to):
Hosting Events & Projects
Giving to artists through our Funds in Action Initiative
Funding future projects
Paying for ads & marketing
Paying for supplies & tools
Paying bills

I'm not black but I'm interested in being involved, can I?
Yes. BAF appreciates our allies and their support. Our Allyship program offers these opportunities to non-black artists and advocates:
A maximum 20% of our total board seats are allowed to be occupied by non-black members
Donations (of course)